Taking a fresh look at what Scripture actually says about the Sacraments

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How can The Salvation Army justify non-adherence to
the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist
when it seems clear that the vast majority of other
denominations regard them as being
an intrinsic part of the Christian faith?
Can such a position be defended using the Bible alone?
And he took bread, gave thanks
and broke it,
and gave it to them, saying,
"This is my body given for you;
do this in remembrance of me."
Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations,
baptising them in the name of
the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
28 v19
The Sacraments and the Bible
welcome most warmly this latest contribution to the literature on The Salvation
Army and the sacraments and, on behalf of Salvationists everywhere, record warm
thanks to Captain Philip Layton for his most helpful work. The Captain’s hope has been to articulate the
Army’s position from a Scriptural viewpoint. He has done so admirably.'
General Shaw Clifton
'This is essential reading if you want to be an informed Salvationist regarding the Army and the sacraments.'
Major Laurie Robertson
(read the full official On Fire review, Australia Southern Territory)
'A good, simple, Salvationist, sacramental
Commissioner John Swinfen
(read the full official Salvationist review, UK Territory)
'This very concise, readable book will be helpful for those needing an introduction to the Army's biblical point of view.'
Major Ted Horwood
(read the full official The Officer review, IHQ)
'It is an examination of The Salvation Army's position on the sacraments based purely on a scriptural foundation'
New Frontier magazine
(read the full review published for USA Western Territory)
'A valuable teaching tool, both for new and not so new Salvationists.'
Pauline Fidoe
(read a personal review from a Salvationist who came from a Baptist tradition)
'I was made to reconsider my whole
grasp on the subject.'
Andrew Kite
(read a personal review from a Salvationist who is a Local Officer, Canterbury Corps, UKT)
'What a refreshing, Biblically sound approach to this subject...'
Troy Walker
(read a personal review from a member of Newcastle Worship and Community Centre Corps, NSW Australia)
This book has now been translated into 7 languages!
This book has been produced as a result of several factors
surrounding the issue of the Eucharist and Baptism, and in particular how
churches such as The Salvation Army can justify non-adherence to these
ceremonies when it seems clear that the vast majority of other denominations
hold these sacraments as being an intrinsic part of the Christian faith.
factors which have driven this study are ones which have had an impact
upon missions and ministries, congregations and communities,
churches and corps in the UK and across the
It responds to:
....A belief that the
sacraments of the Eucharist and water baptism are an integral part of the Christian
faith, and that without them any church ceases to be fully functional.
....Being challenged as
to one's own Christian ‘credentials’ by fellow ministers of local churches as a
direct result of the stance of The Salvation Army upon this issue.
....An awareness that a
great percentage of Salvationists do not know of any clear biblical rationale
behind the stance their denomination takes.
....Having witnessed the
testimony of good and sincere people who have proclaimed the necessity of the
sacraments in order to ensure one has truly received salvation.
However, although perhaps the above factors in themselves are
good enough reasons to produce this book, its primary aim is to respond to just
one common factor, which can be summed up in the form of a question:
“As the Bible clearly teaches that we are to observe the
ceremonies of the Eucharist and baptism, are you (as a representative of The
Salvation Army) not being both disobedient to our Lord Jesus Christ as well as
demonstrating little regard for the authority of the Bible?” |
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book is unique within Salvation Army literature.
Here are the author's 7 condensed reasons as to why he believes this book is unique, beneficial, and, with the
Holy Spirit’s help, will increase the Salvationist's evangelical confidence in declaring the Gospel.
1) This book is helpful because there are a
growing number of Salvationists who need easy access to a purely Biblical stance on why The Salvation Army's non-adherence to the sacraments
is valid.
This book would meet this criteria.
2) There are some, but not many,
SA books on the subject of the sacraments, but they have either
considered the sacraments as just one element of many others within a
large book, or
they have also used Salvation Army history & missiology alongside
This book is different.
3) There are new folk constantly coming
into our churches/corps who would like to know the SA's stance on the sacraments, and at
first glance it might appear that Salvationists are not being faithful to Christ’s words
in Scripture. With the advantage of being attractively small, with full Bible
texts included, and easy to read…
This book is an ideal response.
4) If presented widely and effectively this book could be used to start a doctrinal transformation…putting
an end once for all to the pockets of Salvationism which remain confused about
the sacraments.
This book could be transforming.
5) There is often a certain ‘inferiority
complex’ when soldiers and even officers stand among other
denominations, when, in fact, The Salvation Army has held a more
valid, and Biblical stance toward the sacraments than it had ever truly
realised. Salvationists don’t need to be defensive any more!
book is affirming.
6) Most
importantly, this
book is intended to be God-honouring, Christ-glorifying, and comforting
Salvationists, as well as encouraging everyone to read their Bibles
more! The author loves the Bible, loves The Salvation Army, and loves
God, and this book
appeals to the reader to do likewise.
This book is God-honouring.
7) And
finally, this book needs your help so that it may be digested and passed into
the hands of Christians of all denominations - because on the matter of
the sacraments...Salvationists have absolutely nothing to be ashamed
of, they can be sure of their doctrine, they can know what the Bible says, and they can be confident as
faithful, obedient Christians!
This book is reassuring.
here to buy
now from Amazon.co.uk
just £2.99 each

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